Sort Tab

The Sort Tab of the Top List Config Window, dictates the so-called Server Sort.

Right-click into the window, select Configure and open the Sort Tab.

Choose a filter, then select the Sort direction, either Biggest on Top or Smallest on Top.

To only see the filters that are part of your strategy, press the Hide Unused button. Choose Add Defaults to see the list of filters that are generally used. You can add more filters by pressing the More Button and then using the Search function. Highlight a filter you would like to add, then press the Sort By button at the bottom. The chosen filter will automatically be added to the Sort Tab. Highlight it, to use it as the Server Sort Filter.

Click OK when you are done.

Your Top List will now automatically show the top results based on your Server Sort Filter. By default, a Top List will return the 100 top results. You can increase the Record Count to show up to 1000 results at once. To do so, right-click into the Top List Window, select Time Frame and then Set Record Count.

The Server Sort Filter can also be chosen or changed directly in the Top List Window. Simply right-click on the filter header you would like to sort by and select Server Sort on filter XYZ. This will open the Sort Tab of the Top List Config Window where you can confirm your choice and set the Sort Direction.

Once you have defined your Server Sort Filter, you have the option to use an additional Sort Filter to order the top results that the server found. To do so, right-click on the filter header you would like to add as the secondary Sort Filter and select Sort by filter XYZ Ascending or Sort by filter XYZ Descending. The Server Sort Filter has already been applied, so the secondary filter will only re-order those results. To switch back to Server Sort, right-click on any column header and select Use Server Sort.

Another option, to apply the secondary filter, is to simply double-click on the filter header, which you would like to sort your top results by. The column, the Top List is sorted according to, will depress.