6 Overlooked Rules for New Day Traders

6 Overlooked Rules for New Day Traders

By: Shane Neagle

Have you ever wondered what distinguishes the elite day traders who consistently reap profits from those who find themselves stuck in a cycle of losses? 

The distinction often lies not in their selected stocks, but rather in their methodology.

Within the dynamic and fast-paced realm of day trading, triumph is contingent upon a robust foundation of insight, a meticulously devised strategy, and an unwaveringly disciplined approach to deciphering the complexities of market fluctuations. Here, each trade represents a judiciously calculated decision, as opposed to a mere gamble. 

Through this guide, we unveil a quintessential set of rules tailor-made for the novice day trader, crafted to seamlessly guide you along the path to a flourishing trading vocation. These aren’t just mere pointers; they stand as the bedrock of triumphant day trading. Now, let us embark upon a journey to unravel the pivotal steps that will metamorphose your trading dreams into tangible reality.

Understand the Basics and Terminology

Understanding the basics and terminology of trading is akin to having a sturdy foundation for a house. Without this vital knowledge, navigating the tumultuous world of day trading can be likened to piloting a ship in stormy seas without a compass.

Consider terms such as “bid,” “ask,” “spread,” and “volume” as the ABCs of the language of trading. “Bid” is what you’ll receive when selling, while “ask” is what you’ll part with when buying. The term “bid ask spread” refers to the disparity between the bid and ask prices, and “volume” indicates the quantity of shares that have been traded. Initially, the jargon utilized in trading might appear to be an intricate lexicon, yet with habitual exposure and repetition, these terms will seamlessly integrate into your daily vernacular.

But there’s more to trading than just understanding the lingo. Grasping the nuances of trading, such as the difference between market orders and limit orders, and knowing the specifics of various securities, from stocks to futures, is what truly defines a trader. A market order enables you to buy or sell at the prevailing market price, whereas a limit order puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to set your desired price for the trade.

To sum up, arming yourself with a strong foundational knowledge of day trading basics and terminology is a crucial step towards achieving success in the fast-paced world of day trading.

This is not merely academic; it’s your guide to confidently traverse the market, making educated decisions that lead to profits. So, invest the necessary time in building this foundation. Trust me, the rewards are well worth the effort when you find yourself adeptly handling your trades.

Build a Strategy, Make a Plan, and Stick to It

Venturing into the world of day trading without a solid strategy and a clear-cut plan is like embarking on a sea voyage devoid of a navigation compass. An effective trading strategy, coupled with a thoroughly thought-out plan, acts as your compass in the tumultuous waters of market dynamics. It serves as your guide, aiding you to maneuver through market ups and downs with precision and confidence.

The foundation of your trading strategy ought to be laid upon in-depth research and analysis that encapsulates both technical and fundamental aspects. Technical analysis involves scrutinizing price patterns, trends, and other market indicators to foresee future price shifts. Conversely, fundamental analysis entails assessing the intrinsic worth of a security by delving into various economic, financial, and other qualitative and quantitative facets. Marrying these analyses provides you with a 360-degree view of the market, empowering you to make well-informed decisions.

At the heart of your trading strategy must be a meticulously crafted plan that distinctly delineates your entry and exit points. Entry points refer to the price levels at which you initiate a position, while exit points are the price levels at which you liquidate a position, be it to pocket profits or to mitigate losses. These points should be derived from your analysis and ought to be in sync with your overarching trading goals and risk appetite. A clearly defined entry and exit strategy ensures that you are not swayed by emotions or market noise, allowing you to execute trades with utmost precision and discipline.

Furthermore, your plan should encompass risk management protocols, such as setting up stop-loss orders, to shield your capital from significant downturns. Overlooking risk management can have grave consequences.

Use Limit Orders and Limit the Number of Stocks You Trade

When you’re navigating the often-turbulent waters of day trading, wielding limit orders is akin to having a trusted compass in hand. This tool empowers you by providing the autonomy to set the exact price at which you’re comfortable buying or selling a stock, a stark contrast to market orders that simply execute at the current going rate. This precision is a game-changer, ensuring you’re not left at the mercy of market whims.

Think of limit orders as your personal guard in the frenetic world of stock trading, where prices can swing wildly in mere moments. By locking in a predetermined price, you sidestep the hazard of purchasing a stock at an escalated price or offloading it when it’s in a price dip. This careful calibration doesn’t just bolster control; it’s a cornerstone of sticking to your carefully crafted trading strategy.

Moreover, there’s tremendous merit in honing your focus to a curated selection of stocks, rather than casting your net too wide. This targeted approach frees you to delve deep, committing time and resources to unravel the intricacies of each stock’s market behavior. The payoff? A heightened likelihood of making trades that are not just informed, but profitable too.

Furthermore, narrowing your stock pool shields you from the peril of information overload—a common pitfall that can leave you paralyzed with indecision or prone to impulsive moves. In sum, a calculated approach, armed with the strategic might of limit orders, is your ticket to a trading experience that’s not just successful, but also within your control.

Practice Realistic Margin Trading

Diving into the world of margin trading is akin to wielding a potent yet precarious tool. This mechanism allows you to borrow capital from your broker, thus amplifying your position in the market. It’s a technique that can exponentially elevate your gains. However, it’s crucial to note that this same multiplier effect applies to potential losses.

When you step into the realm of margin trading, you’re essentially leveraging your investment. This means even a minor fluctuation in market prices can result in significant profits. But the reverse is also true; losses can rapidly escalate, sometimes to the extent that they surpass your initial investment. This is the inherent danger that comes hand in hand with margin trading.

A judicious approach to margin trading requires a thorough assessment of your risk tolerance, accompanied by clear boundaries. Make sure you fully grasp the conditions laid out by your broker, including the interest rates on borrowed funds and the need to uphold a minimum account balance.

Furthermore, be prepared for the possibility of a margin call, which transpires when your account balance dwindles below the mandated minimum. In such instances, you’re faced with two choices: deposit additional funds or liquidate assets to restore your account to the required level. Failing to adhere to this could lead to your broker liquidating your assets to bridge the gap.

Be Mindful of Taxes and Only Use Money You Can Afford to Lose

Getting a handle on the tax ins and outs of short-term investing is no small feat for day traders. When you’re raking in profits on assets you’ve held for less than a year, remember, Uncle Sam’s going to want his share in the form of short-term capital gains tax. That can put a sizable dent in your returns if you’re not prepared. So, it’s not just important, but downright critical to know the lay of the tax land and have a game plan for keeping as much of those profits in your pocket as possible.

Now, I can’t stress enough the value of sitting down with a tax pro who knows the trading and investment ropes inside and out. These folks can help you make sense of the maze of tax rules and regs and show you how to take advantage of any deductions or credits that could be on the table. Getting ahead of the game like this means no nasty surprises when tax time rolls around.

And while we’re on the subject, let’s talk about the money you’re putting on the line. I’m talking about using money that, if the worst comes to worst and you lose it all, won’t leave you in a financial bind. That means keeping your hands off the cash you need for the basics – your rent, your utility bills, and putting food on the table. Trust me, playing fast and loose with that money is a gamble you don’t want to take.

Bottom line, being tax-savvy and sticking to disposable income isn’t just smart, it’s your ticket to a successful and, more importantly, sustainable day trading career.

Keep Emotions in Check and Have a Backup Income Source

When diving into the intricate world of day trading, mastering your emotions is paramount. The turbulent market can trigger a whirlwind of feelings, from elation during a successful trade to frustration when facing a loss. These emotional highs and lows can cloud judgment, leading to rash decisions driven by fear or greed. A disciplined approach, where decisions are grounded in strategy and analysis, is the cornerstone of successful trading. It involves stepping back, assessing the situation logically, and allowing reason to guide your actions, rather than being swayed by fleeting emotions.

A clear and well-thought-out trading plan is your best tool for mitigating emotional responses. This blueprint should outline your financial goals, define your risk tolerance, and detail the specific criteria that will dictate your entry and exit points in trades. When the market becomes tumultuous, this plan serves as a steadying anchor, offering direction and clarity amidst the chaos.

Moreover, having a secondary source of income is crucial, particularly in the initial phase of your trading journey. The pressure to generate profits can be overwhelming, and this financial strain can further exacerbate emotional responses. A backup income, whether from part-time employment, freelance gigs, or other avenues, provides a safety net that can alleviate financial stress. This additional support empowers you to approach trading with a clear and focused mind, free from the burdensome pressure of relying solely on trading profits to sustain your livelihood.


Embracing the journey of day trading requires precision and commitment. The essence of success lies not in rapid decisions but in making informed choices grounded in a clear and strategic approach. Adhering to the discussed rules serves as a compass to guide traders through market complexities, ensuring they remain on the right path to reach their trading aspirations.

Each rule stands as a fundamental pillar that solidifies your trading strategy, providing a sturdy foundation for your trading career. From grasping the day trading basics and establishing a comprehensive trading plan to the practicalities of using limit orders and astutely managing finances, these guidelines act as your route to triumph. The addition of emotional control and a backup income source creates a robust framework that bolsters traders in the fluctuating landscape of day trading.

To wrap it up, remember that triumph in day trading is akin to a marathon, not a sprint. It necessitates time, diligence, and unwavering commitment to a meticulously crafted plan. By embracing these pivotal rules, you’re well on your way to carving out a successful and rewarding career in the dynamic domain of day trading.