Who Needs Bad News with Good News Like This

Who Needs Bad News with Good News Like This

Dec 10, 2008

Our Director of Trader Education, Jamie Hodge, guest blogs today with something from the, “Ever-Optimist” file:

I couldn’t resist compiling the headlines (in proper order) from Google Business today:

They are as follows as of 2:42pm PST.

  1. EA Reduces forcast on holiday sales
  2. Sony will cut 8000 jobs as recession( hey, i guess we’re in a recession now, Sony says so) curbs demand
  3. Alleged that Fannie and Freddie ignored dangerous Alt-A loans
  4. T-Bills at negative rates
  5. Cubs sale could be helped by bankruptcy decision
  6. Pending home sales slip, store sales fall
  7. Kroger prft slips 6% after expense rise
  8. United sells planes to raise cash
  9. FedEx and Con-Way warn – UPS gets downgrade by JPM
  10. Sprint may close up to 20 call centers
  11. Whole Foods sues FTC
  12. Playboy to continue aggressive cost cuts in 2009 ;<
  13. Southwest Airlines trims 1 Buffalo-Orlando flight ( I don’t know who should be happier, Florida or Buffalo, in any case, you gotta love Herb)

And I’m sure there’s some bad news out there as well . . .