Trade-Ideas Releases Beta of v2.2 Without Stephen Colbert’s Endorsement
Trade-Ideas Releases Beta of v2.2 Without Stephen Colbert’s Endorsement
Sep 13, 2008
Stephen Colbert hawks his bestseller, I Am America (And So Can You!), with the pronouncement, “When you make the first one this good, you don’t have to write another one.”
We agree.
He’s talking about his book of course, but it’s just as easy to substitute with the phrase ‘decision-support trading tool‘, right? That’s what we thought about Trade-Ideas Pro v2.1 when we launched it way back on May 30, 2007.
“It’s the book to end all books. Until I write another one”
Exactly. Announcing v2.2 (the beta). Here is the link to download this tested, but still beta version:
As readers of the blog know, we offer this special invitation to beta-test Trade-Ideas Pro Version 2.2 ahead of other subscribers and its formal release sometime soon. It is our intention to show our gratitude for your support and use of Trade-Ideas.
“Finally a reason to become literate” [about trading]
Some significant changes:
- All the new alerts added in August and September are in here!
- Alert: Running Up/Down Now
- Alert: 2/5/15 Green/Red Bar Reversal
- Alert: 2/5/15 Wide Range Bar
- Filter: Fundamental based
- Filter: Min/Max Position of Open(c)
- Filter: Min/Max Up Previous Day
- Added new mode which sorts by the first time a symbol occurs (View Mode)
- Added search panel to the config window. Right click in a window and select ‘Configure’
- TI Pro can now support add-ins. These appear on the Tools menu. Add-ins consist of the new Automated Trading Bots(TM) (patent pending) that work with specific brokers and partners
- Changed our free trial and demo approach. The alert window will provide delayed data to users who do not have permission to see live data instead of hiding the stock symbol with ‘***’ – that was annoying
- Our What’s New page is available as an RSS feed. Now you can add it to your favorite reader and be notified first when we make new improvements!
“Finally, a book you won’t want to burn”
There’s alot of hidden improvements too that relate to latency and some internal plumbing. Keep in mind 2 points:
- No matter which platform you use (e.g., browser, TI Pro), you can always access any new alerts and/or filters we add. These are automatic to subscribers because both applications make a “call” to our servers for the latest list whenever someone interacts with our alert window settings via ‘Configure’. When we add such alerts or filters, you receive them instantly. Note that The Odds Maker, however, is a feature found only in TI Pro.
- This beta version lacks additional improvements and features that the final release will include. This is by design since we plan to include user feedback and solve any issues that may appear with heavier traffic and use. No flaws appear in our own testing of this beta release. However, should you find anything unusual (e.g., a bad print), please let us know at info at We’ll also take any praise there too!
Stephen … any last words?
“It’s the Bible of books”“240 pages of genius. With pictures!”“The best-written book I have ever written”
Thanks. We could not have said it any better than that!
“Read the book you’ll want to have thrown at you”
He must be talking about our User Manual!