Critics Corner: Reviews from the Recent Seminar

Critics Corner: Reviews from the Recent Seminar

Jun 27, 2006

The feedback from our 1st Annual Learning Curve Seminar was digested over the weekend (find the recap here). Lots of positives to report. There’s not a lot of cherry picking here – everyone has very positive things to say – for that we are grateful and committed to doing the seminar again next year.

Here’s our 7 question feedback form along with some of the comments (66% of attendees responding):

1. Did you feel the information covered during the 2-day seminar was valuable?
A: 100% Yes; “Fantastic information – cutting edge”

2. What part of the seminar did you feel was the most valuable to you?
A: By a 3:1 margin (surprisingly) the alerts/filters discussion was preferred to the strategy development discussion. Everyone expressed that both parts were indeed valuable.

3. What part of the seminar could you have done without?
A: “Shorter breakfasts of 30 minutes vs. 60 minutes”, our keynote speaker and panel discussion

4. Was there additional information that you wish we had covered?
A: “More insight on Market mechanics”, “More time on the stocks alerted within each strategy to better evaluate the results”

5. Did you enjoy the guest speakers and feel they added to the overall experience?
A: 60% completely favorable; some preferred specific speakers over others

6. Would you recommend the Learning Curve Seminar to fellow traders?
A: 100% Yes; “Absolutely, first rate.”

7. Additional comments: “Holding advanced user seminars could be useful”, “Spend more time on alerts and apply them in various classroom based strategy discussions”, “Longer and more programming”, “When’s the next class!?”