Upgrade to Version 1.7 to Get History in TI Pro

Upgrade to Version 1.7 to Get History in TI Pro

Aug 16, 2005

Many have asked for us to add history to the Trade-Ideas Pro application. The history feature is now available and there is extensive video help to make it easy for users to get familiar with the new feature. Here is the video help link:

In order to get this new functionality you have to upgrade to the latest version of our software, Version 1.7. Here is the link to upgrade:

If you are using Trade-Ideas inside another application you can upgrade safely with this link:

We are very excited about this addition as it should help the high end user make more sense out of any configuration. To access the history feature just right click in any alert window and select history. You will see a prompt that has a check mark next to Real-Time. Click on Real-Time to turn that alert window into historical mode.

On another note, we want to thank all the bloggers who have added our ticker to their financial blogs as a way to add real-time content to their site and support our Idea Generation Technology – the list keeps growing. If anyone wants to join our affiliate program and get credit for customers they send our way please send us an email to info@trade-ideas.com.