Simple Effective Shell Scripting

Shell scripting can be wonderful.  Microsoft is in the news for adding Linux shell scripting to Windows 10.  In honor of that, let’s take a look at Linux shell scripts in action. I’m not talking about those huge, completely unreadable scripts that we’ve all run across.  I’m talking about that list of instructions written in…

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How to Make C++ Code Run 90x Faster

I’m always concerned with performance.  I’m always looking for the best of what’s out there.  I recently saw a youtube video where Bjarne Stroustrup compared two data structures.  The one that seemed like it should have been faster was almost 100x slower. I had to try that one out for myself.  I hear this type…

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How to Make a Server More Reliable

There are lots of things you have to do to make your server reliable.  As I think about the real problems I encounter on a regular basis, two solutions seem more important than the rest. The first change has been happening all around us.  If you’re not building your own computers, you might not notice…

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Making Servers Fast AND Powerful

I read a lot about how other people create their servers.  Sometimes people ask what makes our servers so fast and so powerful.  I love our technology, but I don’t always have the words to describe it.  So I read what other people have written. I found this article interesting.  It compares Node.js to older…

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Toolkit, Part II

I want to show you the easy way to read results from MySQL in C++.  But, we’re not ready yet.  In a previous article I showed you some of the basic tools that we reuse in a lot of places.  Before we get to the MySQL code, I need to show you more of these…

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The Easy Way to Read XML in Java

In a recent post I showed you how our servers generate XML messages.  This is how we send alerts and other data to you.  Let me continue your tour behind the scenes at Trade-Ideas.  This article shows how our client software reads those messages from the server so it can display your results for you.…

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The Easy Way to Build a Serious Linux Server

If you’re just testing stuff… if you’re just running at home for fun… even if you’re trying to test software that will eventually run in the server room… you get a lot of flexibility.  It’s easy to set up a Linux server for yourself.  There are so many options to get started.  And you can…

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What’s the easiest way to create an XML document in C++?

What’s the easiest way to create an XML document in C++? In some recent posts, I’ve been sharing with you how we develop software at Trade-Ideas.  Before I answer the question above, I think we should take a moment to ponder the question.  What’s the easiest way… I’ve worked with a lot of engineers in…

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The Value of Experience, and the Value of not Remembering Everything

Our last technical article was very popular, especially on our Facebook page.  So here’s more information about how we run our technology at Trade-Ideas. What’s the difference between an experienced programmer and a novice?  In particular, what sets apart the person who’s been working with a certain programming language, or other tools, from the person…

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